Age is not an obstacle!

8 September 2024, Sunday

Age is not an obstacle! Despite the honorable age, the residents of our republic come to the polling stations to show the younger generation an example of responsible attitude to the future of the country and the republic. They lead an active lifestyle, are interested in events not only in the country, but also in the world. To take part in the elections they personally come to the polling stations and express their civic position.

✅ Thus, in the Buinsky municipal district, Rauf Ibragimovich Tukhvatulin Tukhvatulin, a participant of the Great Patriotic War, who turns 104 this year, came to the polling station and voted!

✅ And in Menzelinsky district 100-year-old Tatarstan Nikolay Fedorovich Alikimov and 90-year-old Antonina Pantyukhina took part in voting!

✅In the Arsky district, the Vildanov family - Anas Vildanovich and Firdausa Nigmatullovna - came to vote!

From the bottom of our hearts we express words of deep respect!

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