The obdusman monitors the conflict situation in an educational organization

14 March 2023, Tuesday

For every parent, his or her child is the only one, the only one, the best in the world. But there are children who, from birth, have to struggle first for survival and then for the opportunity of normal development and education. These are children with disabilities. In my speeches and reports I have repeatedly drawn attention of heads of educational organizations to the need to create a special educational environment for «special» children.

In reviewing appeals, sometimes we see that parents have questions at the threshold of the school, when they do not see the interest of the administration of the educational organization in the education of their children. At the same time every school and every teacher should be ready to teach children with special developmental needs. It is a great risk to accept a «special» child to school without creating special conditions for it. Finding oneself in a field of unfriendly treatment by teachers and children can aggravate a child's state of health.

I received an appeal from citizen G. about a conflict situation between her son and his classmates in one of the schools of the republic. In the appeal the applicant reported about the specific conflict situations that occurred between the classmates in the walls of the educational organization. At the same time the content of the appeal indicated that the school administration had failed to take exhaustive measures to resolve the situation and to prevent conflict situations in the future.

We organized an on-site inspection on this fact. All the arguments of the applicant required a thorough examination. Undoubtedly, there were many questions to the school administration and the class teacher regarding the organization of work on the socialization of children and the creation of a favorable psychological climate in the classroom.

Undoubtedly, the main role in the process of socialization and education of children with disabilities is played by qualified personnel, on whom the child's future position in school depends.

At present, we are continuing to study all the circumstances of the case. As a result of the inspection, we will give a legal assessment of the current conflict situation.

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