The regional forum of local government authorities to support participants in a special military operation and their families has started

3 December 2024, Tuesday

Support for participants in the special military operation and their families is our priority.

On the eve of the XIX Congress, a regional forum of local government bodies was launched in the Council of Municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan. This topic unites us all, since each family of a participant in the special military operation must be surrounded by care and attention.

Since the beginning of the special military operation, I have received more than 7.5 thousand requests from military personnel and their relatives. Among the most pressing issues are the provision of medical care, social support measures, establishing the status of a military serviceman and searching for missing persons.

Working with such requests requires a special approach. We promptly interact with the Ministry of Defense, the Fatherland Defenders Foundation, the prosecutor's office and other departments. Not a single letter or request is left without attention. For example, we have repeatedly obtained vacations for military personnel, resolved issues regarding payments and conducted inspections of working conditions.

We pay special attention to the children of participants in the special military operation and call on educational institutions to take control of the psychological state of children and create a favorable climate in schools.

These difficult times teach us to be strong and caring. At the moment, we are holding a joint reception of citizens with the head of the branch of the "Defenders of the Fatherland" foundation in the Republic of Tatarstan, Guzel Udachina.

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