It is important to give everyone a second chance and support those who want to improve and become better.
This is the main goal of the rehabilitation units. The project has been operating at the Federal State Institution penal colony-19 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan since 2018, and more than 100 people have already undergone rehabilitation.
Today, together with representatives of interested ministries and departments, we visited this rehabilitation unit. The project is effective and incredibly important for the resocialization system, and proof of this is the recidivism rate after completing this program – it is only 4% of those released from prison.
Not only classes with such prisoners are important, but also the conditions of their detention. Giving them the opportunity to change their lives, it is necessary to remind them that they have something to strive for and where to strive.
That life is not painted in black and white, it has a palette of colors.
A lot of work is done every day, and this is evident not only in the renovated premises, but also in conversations with the rehabilitants.
Having heard words of gratitude for such an opportunity and support for the project, you truly understand that it is not in vain that we are trying to return to society those members who have fallen away and turned in the wrong direction.