The environmental situation, the state of the environment, the purity of the subsoil and water bodies directly affect the quality of life of our citizens. For the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Tatarstan, the topic of ecology is one of the priorities: the right of citizens to a favourable environment is enshrined in the Constitution.
The fact that the problems of ecology are of acute concern to our residents is evidenced by the results of the analysis of appeals of Tatarstan people, which we conducted together with the «Dialogue Regions» ANO. Thus, according to the number of appeals to the «People’s Control» system, environmental issues and the management of solid municipal waste are among the ten most acute topics. The «Incident Management» system also records many messages in social networks: since the beginning of the year more than 1800 such messages have been recorded on the topic of ecology and TKO.
Today was held a meeting of the Design Office of «Regional Control Centre» of the Republic of Tatarstan, focusing on the most «hot» questions - the state of the atmosphere - it is almost half of all the appeals that we receive through all channels of feedback, and the management of solid municipal waste.
People complain about the untimely removal of garbage, which is part of the responsibility of regimens, the lack of containers for garbage collection, the fact that there is no separate collection of waste, in spontaneous landfills. People are also concerned about the cost of services: they pay good money for waste removal, although the quality of the service is not always satisfactory.
The Design Office of the Regional Management Center is a collegial body that allows you to look at problems from different angles, with the participation of all parties, and also to look for ways to solve them. Today, we and our colleagues from municipalities, Rospotrebnadzor, Ministry of Construction, Rosatroznadzor have jointly tried to develop systemic approaches that will at least partially solve the environmental problems of our residents and reduce the urgency of the issue.