Corruption is indeed a dangerous social phenomenon that can permeate all sectors of society and thus constitute a threat to the national security of our State. Timely response to corruption manifestations, prevention of corruption at various levels helps to prevent it, contributes to the rejection of corruption among the population.
Today, the Annual Republican Anti-Corruption Forum «Tatarstan without Corruption» was held within the walls of the IT Park named after Bashir Rameev, which is celebrated on December 9. In the framework of the forum, she made a presentation on the functioning of the GIS of the Republic of Tatarstan «People’s Control», its role in combating corruption and gave concrete examples where citizens reported on possible facts of corruption in education, housing and utilities and other industries.
She noted that through various channels of feedback to the public, we prevent corruption offences in a timely manner and cooperate with the authorities. Rapid exchange of information protects the rights of our citizens
I remind you that in the information system «People’s control» which I supervise for consideration of your appeals since 2015 there is a separate direction «Anti-Corruption», which includes 17 categories. It is your appeals that help to identify and combat corruption violations. Only together, together, can we counter the spread of this dangerous social phenomenon.
For the photo thank you: