Amendments have been made to ensure full and effective judicial protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations in the sphere of administrative and other public legal relations

18 August 2023, Friday

Since 4 August 2023, the Code of Administrative Procedure of the Russian Federation has been amended to ensure full and effective judicial protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens and organizations in the sphere of administrative and other public legal relations, as well as provisions aimed at expediting judicial protection in relevant cases.


The main innovations in administrative proceedings:


ř The list of court documents that can be produced and sent by the court in electronic form (signed by a strengthened qualified electronic signature of the judge) has been expanded to include, in addition to judicial acts, orders, requirements, orders, summonses and appeals of the court;

ř established the possibility of conducting proceedings in the courts of appeal, cassation and supervisory instances on the electronic materials of the administrative case, without transmitting documents on paper;

•Defining the powers that any authorized representative of a party to an administrative case, including those without higher legal education, may exercise, namely, to receive court notices, copies of court decisions, execution documents, make copies of the case file;

The right of the court to independently receive the necessary information from open sources, including public information systems, official websites of state bodies and local self-government bodies in the «Internet» network;

ř introduces provisions on the liability of public entities (state authorities, local self-government bodies, etc.) for failure to comply with or not to comply with a judicial act.

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