Round table organized by the Kazan Diocese on the theme «Helping homeless people in crisis situation»

3 November 2023, Friday

The problem of assistance to persons in difficult situations without a fixed place of residence or employment is undoubtedly one of the most important activities of the State and public organizations.

The work being done to reduce the number of homeless citizens is directly related to the development of re-socialization of these persons, the restoration of socially useful ties and the adoption of measures to adapt such citizens to society as effectively as possible.

Today, an employee of the Apparatus took part in a round table organized by the Kazan Diocese on the topic «Assistance to homeless people in a crisis situation».

During the meeting, we discussed the urgent problems in this area, and noted the positive experience with this category of citizens in our republic and in other subjects. And also within the framework of the meeting the project «social village» was presented, suggesting the creation of a settlement for citizens without a specific place of residence, where they will be able to live, to receive the necessary medical and social assistance, as well as the skills required for further employment.
Joint work will continue.

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