Visit of Sariya Saburskaya to “Health retreat Krutushka”

3 July 2017, Monday

Today the Commissioner for Human rights in the Republic of Tatarstan Sariya Saburskaya carries out an inspection of Company “Health retreat Krutushka” after report of Mr X.

Mr X has addressed to Tatar Ombudsman with a problem of disagreement with the quality of services rendered by Company “Health retreat Krutushka”. Also he has approached about organizing the work of State Autonomous Health Care Institution “Republican clinical neurology centre”.

During revision of Company “Health retreat Krutushka” infrastructure of medical organization and papers are checked, the inspectors held a meeting with the authorities of “Krutushka”.

It should be mentioned that in this medical organization the great work has been done for improving quality of services. The activities such as capital upgrades and cosmetic repairs, rebuilding chink of medicinal water, total change of catering facilities, establishment new own boiler-house and new techniques for health care are accomplished.

Next week inspectors will go to SAHCI “Republican clinical neurology centre”.

After the results of revision Tatar Ombudsman will have hold a meeting with applicant and involved governmental agencies to take up the worrying questions as noted above.

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